Pasta Pastries by Pierre Herme: Two cookbooks from a master of their craft. Myths and secrets of pasta: the secrets of the mastery of Pierre Herme desserts Pierre Herme recipes

For me, macarons are the perfection of form and content, the quintessence of the concept of a dessert in the form of two small meringue-based cookies, combined with a rich filling.

I like almost all versions of this dessert - with cracks and without filling, without a "skirt" and with funny "tails", and even American - coconut, which do not at all look like real French pasta.

Pierre Herme is perhaps one of the most famous confectioners of our time, who became truly famous for pasta, or rather, bringing to perfection what is now called "classic" pasta - vanilla, chocolate, caramel, pistachio, coffee, lemon and a few more others.

Erme "invented" new flavors and combinations - for example, macarons with olive oil, lime with basil, and Earl Gray tea.

For true lovers of this dessert, there is macarons with avocado, carrots and oranges, pink pepper and even ketchup!

Unusual? But that's not all! Macarons with balsamic vinegar, white and black truffles, foie gras and sturgeon caviar, macarons with wasabi.

Despite this variety of flavors and their combinations, Erme, in his book, which is called "Macarons", begins with the very common truths, knowing which, you can relatively successfully repeat the recipes of the famous pastry chef or, on their basis, create new combinations of tastes.

The filling is what largely determines the taste of pasta, this is not an obvious detail for everyone, but Erme fills the pasta with filling without skimping (this is confirmed by the pasta, which are sold in the Lafayette gallery)

Erme himself prepares almond flour from an almond variety that he also chose himself (Valencia Spanish) The quality of almonds and flour from it largely determines the taste and texture of future pasta

Chicken protein is "aged" (from several days to a week, what happens at this time with protein, I will write separately)

After filling, the pasta cannot be served and it is still too dry to eat right away - they need to be kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours at constant humidity in order for the taste and consistency to become as it should be

Pasta is served in advance by letting them "warm up" at room temperature, for this they need to be removed from the refrigerator two hours before use

32 steps to perfect pasta:

  1. Weigh the required amount of protein, and divide into 2 parts
  2. Cover the container with protein with cling film and cut a hole in it with a sharp knife
  3. On the day of pasta baking, prepare 2 pastry bags (Erme thinks plastic disposable bags are the best). Cut off the tip of the bag
  4. Insert the bag into the nozzle
  5. Make sure that the bag is well inserted into the attachment, twist it - otherwise the pasta mass may leak out
  6. Prepare a baking tray, on which place the pasta stencil and baking paper on top. You will need 2 or 3 trays
  7. Weigh the caster sugar and almond flour separately
  8. Mix both ingredients and sieve through a medium mesh sieve
  9. If dye is used, add it from the first container of proteins
  10. Add colored (or not) proteins to the almond flour and powder mixture, do not stir
  11. Weigh separately the required amount of water and fine sugar
  12. Pour water into a small saucepan and add sugar. Simmer over medium heat and as soon as the mixture reaches 115 degrees, at the same time begin to beat the whites. Place the pastry brush in cold water and use it to "rinse" the remaining sugar from the sides of the saucepan when the liquid starts to boil
  13. When sugar reaches 118 degrees, remove from heat and, continuing to beat whites, add sugar, beat on high speed for another minute
  14. Reduce whipping speed and continue for 2 minutes. It turned out to be an Italian meringue
  15. Wait for the proteins to cool down to 50 degrees (about 5 minutes)
  16. Using a spatula, transfer the Italian meringue to the mixture of almonds and icing sugar mixing them by "folding" from the center to the edges, rotating the cup
  17. When the mixture starts to turn shiny, stop stirring. The dough should resemble a stringy pie dough.
  18. Fill a piping bag with half of the mixture using a spatula
  19. Squeeze the bag from above. This is important as no air bubbles should remain in the pasta dough.
  20. Twist the end of the pastry bag
  21. Place the dough on a baking sheet, each pasta should be smaller in diameter than on the stencil, as it needs space to blur
  22. Continue to deposit pasta, leaving 2 cm in between and staggered. This is why stencil is so important.
  23. If the pasta dough has run out, refill the bag and continue placing the dough on other trays.
  24. To smooth the ponytails onto the pasta, raise the baking sheet and lightly hit it on the surface of the table covered with a tea towel
  25. Remove the stencil from the deposited pasta
  26. Make sure the baking paper is secured to the baking sheet (this can be done with a little dough that will "hold" the baking sheet and baking paper together)
  27. Leave a baking sheet with pasta at room temperature for 30 minutes, so that a crust forms on their surface, the dough should not be sticky if you touch it with your finger
  28. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, but in general the temperature for baking pasta is from 165 to 190 degrees Celsius and it depends on the type of oven
  29. Depending on the size of the oven, you can bake 2-3 trays at the same time, otherwise bake in several passes. Open the oven door at the 8th minute (the skirt is already formed) and the 10th minute
  30. Once the pasta is ready, remove it (with paper) from the baking sheet, otherwise the pasta will continue to cook due to the heat from the baking sheet. Allow pasta to cool on baking paper
  31. Carefully remove the pasta and turn over - one by one. They are ready to be filled with filling. At this point, they can be kept in the refrigerator for 48 hours or frozen.

9 steps to the perfect chocolate ganache:

  1. Using a serrated knife, cut the chocolate into small pieces. Place the cutting board on a kitchen towel and then on the table to make the work surface more stable. When cutting the chocolate, hold on to the knife blade (from its blunt side) with one hand, pressing and with varying intensity
  2. Place the chocolate in a fireproof container. Fill a smaller saucepan with water, the container with chocolate should not touch the bottom of the saucepan. Place the container with chocolate in a saucepan over low heat
  3. Do not allow the water to boil violently when the chocolate begins to melt, stir it with a spatula
  4. In a small saucepan, heat the cream to a boil, using a whisk, making sure that the cream does not burn to the bottom of the saucepan
  5. Pour a third of the hot cream into the center of the chocolate bowl and whisk. Don't worry if the cream is stratified.
  6. Add the second third of the hot cream to the center of the chocolate mixture, whisk in a circular motion until the chocolate begins to thicken
  7. Add the last third of the cream
  8. Fill a container with low sides with the resulting ganache (for example, for gratin)
  9. Cover with cling film so that the film touches the chocolate. Make sure the ganache is completely cool before placing it in the refrigerator

8 steps to stuffing pasta:

  1. Fill the second pastry bag with ganache using a spatula
  2. Tighten the tip so the ganache fills the bag tightly
  3. Unroll the bag around the nozzle
  4. Hold the piping bag upright and push the bag very gently. Fill the pasta, leaving about 3 mm from the edge
  5. Place the other half of the macaroni on the ganache and lightly press down
  6. If you plan to put a piece of jelly inside the filling, squeeze out less filling than usual.
  7. Squeeze out a drop of ganache on the jelly, close with a second half and lightly press down
  8. Place the filled pasta on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Place in refrigerator for 24 hours and serve by removing from refrigerator 2 hours before serving

Kitchen tools needed for cooking:

Culinary bags with attachments 11-12 mm

Caramel thermometer and precision scales

Medium sieve and several baking trays

Fine zest grater for making fruit jelly

Pastry brush, serrated knife (for thick chocolate bars) and regular knife

Shallow ceramic baking dish, cling film


What to do with overdried or dry pasta?

Sprinkle them a little with water

What if the ganache is too frozen when it cools?

Place in a saucepan with slightly boiling water or melt in the microwave

What do you need to know when making ganache, jelly or pasta cream?

Cover the container where the cream or jelly cools down with cling film. Do not make the jelly higher than 4 mm, otherwise the pieces will be too high. Place the jelly in the freezer for an hour, remove, cut into cubes, and send back to the freezer until the pasta is ready to fill. The jelly will defrost already in the pasta when they are kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours and this will give the necessary moisture

Why is titanium oxide added to some pasta?

To make them white. Dough for pasta without beige additives. Titanium oxide powder is odorless and tasteless, therefore it does not affect the taste of pasta in any way

I tried 4 types of pasta that Erme calls "classic" in his book. He makes all the pasta with Italian meringue and the recipe always gets more filling, even if you follow Erme's advice about "as much filling as possible." In addition, I did not use dyes in the preparation, for several reasons - firstly, they are not sold where I live. But for those who want to cook pasta with a more saturated color, in the recipe I indicate their quantity and the moment of adding.

Macarons with bitter chocolate

For a richer flavor, choose the chocolate with the highest percentage of cocoa beans. To do this, you can find 100% cocoa bean paste in professional stores, or 99% chocolate. It is produced in mass quantities by Lindt, and in Moscow I saw such a chocolate made by the company "Faithfulness to Quality".


Prep time: about an hour

Cooking time: 25 minutes

For macarons:

120 g cocoa bean paste or chocolate

300 g ground almonds

300 g icing sugar

110 g aged proteins

4.5 red dye (carmine or cochineal)

110 g aged proteins

For the dark chocolate ganache:

400 g 35% cream

360 g chocolate couverture (Erme uses Valrhona Guana) - can be replaced with dark chocolate

40 g cocoa bean paste or 99% chocolate

140 g butter at room temperature (Erme uses butter from the Charente region)

To sprinkle:

Cocoa powder (a couple of tablespoons)

Sift the icing sugar and ground almonds together - almond flour (I will write about how to make almond flour soon). Cut the pasta or chocolate and melt it in a water bath at 50 degrees Celsius, in a refractory cup over slightly boiling water. Add color to half of the protein (110 grams) and add to the icing sugar and almond flour mixture, but do not stir.

Add the beaten egg whites to the non-beaten egg whites, almond flour and powdered sugar mixture. Stir with a spatula in a folding motion, then add the melted chocolate and stir again (see note).

Add the dough to a piping bag with a nozzle (Erme uses nozzles with a diameter of 10-12 mm)

Place the pasta with a diameter of 3.5 cm on baking paper, leaving 2 cm between them. Sprinkle the deposited pasta with cocoa using a strainer.

Leave for 30 minutes to dry a little on the surface of the pasta.

Chocolate ganache:

Cut the butter into pieces. Chop the chocolate with a knife. Heat the cream to a boil. Add hot cream to the chocolate in three passes (one third of the amount of cream, stirring thoroughly with a whisk each time, if the cream begins to flake off - it doesn't matter, you just need to continue stirring). When the mixture reaches 50 degrees, add oil and stir. Pour the ganache into a low-sided bowl and refrigerate where the ganache thickens over a few hours.

Transfer the ganache to a pastry bag, squeeze the pasta onto one rug and close with the other.

Pietra macarons (with hazelnuts)

Ingredients(it turns out 72 pasta or 144 halves)

Prep time: about an hour

Cooking time: 35 minutes

Time to prepare for baking: 30 minutes

Fridge time: 24 hours

For macarons:

150 g ground almonds

150 g ground hazelnuts

300 g icing sugar

110 g aged proteins

300 g fine crystalline sugar

75 g mineral (still) water

110 g aged proteins

For praline:

250 g whole hazelnuts, peeled

Half vanilla pod

250 g butter at room temperature

100 g "aged" proteins

160 g fine crystalline sugar

40 g mineral (still) water

For sprinkling:

60 g whole hazelnuts

Prepare caramelized hazelnuts. To do this, preheat the oven to 170 degrees.

Spread 250 g + 60 g of hazelnuts on a baking sheet and dry for 15 minutes. Pour the nuts into a colander and stir the nuts to separate the dry skin from the kernel. Put 60 g of nuts in a bag and use a rolling pin to crush them into small pieces. Return the rest of the nuts to a baking sheet and leave in the oven turned off.

Bring 40 g of water to a boil with 150 g of sugar, and also with a vanilla pod cut in half, remove the seeds from the sharp tip of a knife, add them to the sugar. When the syrup reaches 121 degrees, add warm nuts. Remove from heat and stir until sugar turns white and crystallizes, then return to fire. The crystals will begin to melt again, thus acquiring a deep caramel color. Put the nuts on baking paper, remove the vanilla pod and leave to cool completely. Then break into small pieces, pour into a coffee grinder and grind to a powder.

Macarons: Sift caster sugar, ground hazelnuts and almond flour together. Add 110 g of "aged" proteins without stirring.

Water and sugar, without stirring, bring to a boil and heat to 115 degrees, start whipping the second portion of protein, when the syrup reaches 118 degrees, add to the proteins in a thin stream, without stopping whipping. Beat on high speed for a few more minutes and then leave to cool to 50 degrees.

Add the beaten egg whites to the non-beaten egg whites, almond flour and powdered sugar mixture. Stir with a spatula using a folding motion.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees (see note).

Bake for 12 minutes by quickly opening and closing the oven door twice during baking.

Remove the pasta baking sheet from the oven and move the baking paper off the hot baking sheet. When they have cooled slightly, remove from the paper and leave to cool further upside down.

For the praline filling:

Beat the whites until soft peaks, at the same time heat 160 g of sugar and 40 g of water to 121 degrees. Pour into the whites in a thin stream, whisking until they are no longer hot.

Beat softened butter until creamy, add ground praline. Use a spatula to fold in the proteins.

Fill the pastry bag with cream. Fill the pasta.

Put in the refrigerator in a closed container for 24 hours, remove from the refrigerator 2 hours before serving.

Macarons with black currant

I couldn't find the currants and I used raspberries in combination with blueberries, which gave the filling a charming color.

Ingredients(it turns out 72 pasta or 144 halves)

Preparation time: a day before cooking 10 minutes, an hour on the day of preparation

Cooking time: a few minutes the day before cooking, 20 minutes on the day of cooking

Time to prepare for baking: 30 minutes

Time in the refrigerator: 4 hours + 24 hours

For macarons:

300 g ground almonds

300 g icing sugar

110 g aged proteins

15 g of titanium dioxide, diluted in 10 g of warm water

3 drops of blue dye

10 g red dye (carmine)

300 g fine crystalline sugar

75 g mineral (still) water

110 g aged proteins

For blackcurrant ganache:

400 g white chocolate

400 g fresh or frozen black currant

130 g red currant (or raspberry)

For filling:

200 g fresh or frozen currants

200 g water 100 g sugar

The day before making the pasta, make the ganache and the filling. If using frozen currants, pour 400 g into a colander and defrost.

Still the day before cooking the pasta, bring 200 g of water and sugar to a boil. Add 200 g of defrosted currants to the syrup. Bring to a boil again and leave in the syrup until the next day.

The next day for the pasta, sift the ground almonds and icing sugar together. Dissolve titanium dioxide in water and add to the dyes (here it is used to achieve a lighter color, as an option, you can take less dye, they do not use it at all). Mix the dye with the unshipped protein, and add to the almond flour and powdered sugar, do not stir.

Water and sugar, without stirring, bring to a boil and heat to 115 degrees, start whipping the second portion of protein, when the syrup reaches 118 degrees, add to the proteins in a thin stream, without stopping whipping. Beat on high speed for a few more minutes and then leave to cool to 50 degrees.

Add the dough to a piping bag with a nozzle. Place the pasta with a diameter of 3.5 cm on baking paper, leaving 2 cm between them.

Sprinkle the pasta with hazelnuts and leave to dry for 30 minutes (see note).

Preheat oven to 180 degrees (see note).

Bake for 12 minutes by quickly opening and closing the oven door twice during baking.

Remove the pasta baking sheet from the oven and move the baking paper off the hot baking sheet. When they have cooled slightly, remove from the paper and leave to cool further upside down.

For currant ganache: Grind with a blender 400 g of fresh or thawed berries in mashed potatoes, rub them through a medium sieve, bring the resulting liquid to a boil. Melt the white chocolate in a water bath. Stir in hot currant juice, a third each time. Transfer the ganache to a shallow container (to cool the ganache faster), cover with cling film and refrigerate.

Dry the currants in the syrup with a paper towel one hour before filling the pasta.

Add the ganache to a pastry bag, squeeze the pasta into halves, place 2-3 currants in it and close with the other half.

Lemon macarons

Ingredients(it turns out 72 pasta or 144 halves)

Preparation time: 15 minutes before cooking, an hour on the day of preparation

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Time to prepare for baking: 30 minutes

Time in the refrigerator: 2 hours + 24 hours

For macarons:

300 g ground almonds

300 g icing sugar

110 g aged proteins

1/2 g gold dye (half a coffee spoon)

3 drops of blue dye

10 g yellow dye

300 g fine crystalline sugar

75 g mineral (still) water

110 g aged proteins

For lemon cream:

225 g eggs (only yolks can be used)

240 g sugar

8 g finely grated lemon zest (you need about one and a half large lemons, the main thing is that they are not pre-processed)

160 gr lemon juice

350 g sweet butter, room temperature

100 g ground almonds

Prepare lemon cream the day before making the pasta. Rinse, dry with a towel and remove the zest of the lemons. Grind the zest with sugar with your fingers until smooth.

In a heat-resistant dish, mix eggs, lemon juice and zest with sugar. Place the dishes in a water bath (a saucepan with slightly boiling water). Beat the mixture with a whisk until the mixture thickens slightly and reaches a temperature of 83-84 degrees. Cool to 60 degrees and add butter in portions. Whisk until creamy, then blend with hand blender for 10 minutes.

Transfer the cream to a bowl with low sides, cover with cling film (so that the film touches the surface of the cream) and refrigerate until the next day.

The next day for the pasta, sift the ground almonds and icing sugar together. Add 110 grams of protein, do not stir.

Water and sugar, without stirring, bring to a boil and heat to 115 degrees, start whipping the second portion of protein, when the syrup reaches 118 degrees, add to the proteins in a thin stream, without stopping whipping. Beat on high speed for a few more minutes and then leave to cool to 50 degrees.

Add the whipped egg whites to the un-whipped egg whites, almond flour and powdered sugar mixture. Stir with a spatula using a folding motion.

Add the dough to a piping bag with a nozzle. Place the pasta with a diameter of 3.5 cm on baking paper, leaving 2 cm between them.

Let the pasta dry on the surface for 30 minutes (see note).

Preheat oven to 180 degrees (see note).

Bake for 12 minutes, quickly opening and closing the oven door twice during the baking process (this is necessary so that if there is a slightly higher humidity in the oven, opening the oven door for just a second will help remove steam, see paragraph 33 in steps to ideal pasta).

Remove the pasta baking sheet from the oven and move the baking paper off the hot baking sheet. When they have cooled slightly, remove from the paper and leave to cool further upside down.

Mix the cream with ground almonds, transfer to a pastry bag.

Fill the pasta halves with cream and close with the other half.

Place in refrigerator for 24 hours, remove from refrigerator 2 hours before serving.


Pasta dough, especially with Italian meringue, do not be afraid to actively stir. The consistency of the dough should resemble a thick pie dough.

Macarons with hazelnuts much longer time to form a dry film on the surface. I dried them for about an hour, despite this, they still cracked a little when baking.

But chocolate macarons dry up quickly, rise well and form a "skirt".

Time preparation for baking - on the surface of pasta before baking, is strikingly different. Until even if the pasta does not dry out for an hour or an hour and a half before baking, they should not be put in the oven - they will crack.

Titanium oxide"Whitens" pasta, which, when baked, acquire the color of baked milk or creme brulee, depending on the oven temperature.

By the way, about temperature- Erme has 180 degrees, this temperature is too high for my pasta oven. I bake the pasta for 12 minutes at 160 degrees with convection, otherwise the pasta starts to brown strongly before it is cooked to the end.

Powdered sugar it is better to buy without the addition of anti-caking components and starch, or do it yourself, using a sugar coffee grinder.

These four recipes are classic pasta from the book of Pierre Herme and the simplest in terms of ingredients. I am also going to try absolutely chocolate (they use pieces of dark chocolate with salt), absolutely vanilla (with three types of vanilla), and pasta with salted caramel and apple called Tatvolite. I must say that the basic recipe for pasta is the same, only the filling (and dyes!) Changes.

One of the most mysterious questions - why age the protein - how it affects pasta and the most practical - how to make almond flour - I'll try to talk about this next time.

Another quick option for tea. Good on its own, but you can also add a scoop of ice cream.
Pierre Hermé's recipes are all good - both complex and simple. It seems to be chocolate pie, so what's wrong with that - no, no. Very delicate, slightly moist with a rich chocolate flavor, it melts right in the mouth.
I took half a portion per form d = 18cm (if you want it taller, take a smaller form).

Ingredients per form d = 22cm:
250 g dark chocolate (60-65%)
250 g soft butter
4 eggs
220 g sugar
70 g flour

Melt chocolate with butter.
Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy and thick.
Stir in the chocolate-butter mixture. Add flour, stir.
Coat a mold with removable sides with butter and sprinkle with a little flour.
Lay out the dough. Bake fir 180C for 25 minutes. Cool and serve.

  • December 4th, 2014, 09:17 am

The day before yesterday I received a notification from the post office. After seeing that the package was from Germany, I was very surprised, I thought for a long time who could send it.
Yesterday I decided to get it, but ended up receiving a pension. In general, this morning I ran for the parcel.
I open it, and there is a book. Natasha, Thank you. dear for such a surprise! I am moved to the depths of my soul!
I share with you - this is a book Pierre Herme "Macarons".

The book contains different types of pasta:

In general, the book is wonderful. I have been staring at her for a long time, and now, thanks to Natulka, I will cook.
So, wait, the gingerbread season will end and start trying new tastes.

  • September 27th, 2014, 06:08 pm

The question often arises: what to do with the yolks? I still have yolks after Esterhazy. Found a recipe from Pierre Herme - Sablé Breton with lavender. Very tasty crumbly, but softish biscuits. They write that salted butter is usually used. Very delicious cookies especially with lavender.

256 g flour
1 tbsp baking powder
227 g butter
168 g sugar
1 tsp salt
5 large yolks
a pinch of lavender flowers (dry)

Beat soft butter with sugar and salt. Gradually add the yolks, beat. Pour in flour with baking powder, grind dry flowers between your fingers. Knead the dough. Divide into 2 parts and roll into sausage. Refrigerate for 4 hours.
Cut into circles 1-1.5 cm thick. Place the circles in a muffin dish (medium size), bake at 165C for 12-15 minutes until golden brown.
Cool, remove from the mold.
Enjoy your tea!

  • November 30th, 2013, 12:03 am

How great is the book "Chocolate. Larousse" by Pierre Herme that helps me out. For the umpteenth time I’m making a chocolate cake, everything turns out quickly. yummy.
In general, chocolate is an amazing thing, no matter what you cook with it, it always turns out to be very tasty.
I reduced the ingredients as it turned out that my boys had eaten the chocolate and there was only one bar left. But you can safely increase the ingredients by 2 times, as shown in the book.


  • October 6th, 2013, 05:41 pm

Well, the first recipes from the girls flew to the flash mob. In order to keep up, I post my tried and tested recipes.
I still have time for Sonya monka_i_eda on her "Nutty Flash Mob".

1 oatmeal cookies with nuts and cranberries
I took this cookie from Julia frune4ka ... Very tasty, crispy with nuts. However, instead of raisins, I put dried cranberries.

2. Chocolate gato with walnuts
The recipe was taken from the book by Pierre Herme "Larousse Chocolate". A very good book that contains different recipes, both in technology and in complexity. Yesterday, when I was waiting for guests literally in 1-1.5 hours, it was necessary to prepare something very quickly for tea. Found this cake. It turned out with a rich chocolate taste, and walnuts complemented this taste very well. Minimum effort - maximum pleasure.


  • September 17th, 2013, 10:10 am

When I saw Ani's recipe for this tart lifetastesgreat , then just caught fire to taste the figs in tart. Just a friend brought gifts - figs. Of course, I quickly hid it, and when the guys left for their grandmother, I began to cook it. The combination is simply great: figs, raspberries and cinnamon mousse.
I'll tell you my mistakes right away. The height of the tart should be increased (by 2 cm, like mine), because Figs are quite large, then it takes up a lot of space (Alena alenakogotkova the shape was higher) and there is no room for the mousse.
I didn't have a burner, so when I put the frozen tart in the oven on the grill, the mousse started leaking quickly. I pulled out before the sugar had melted. The bottom line is that the burner cannot be replaced here, it is better then not to make a crust, although it tastes better with it.
I ate 2 large pieces at once. The tart turned out to be very tasty, tender. I recommend it to everyone, especially since this is Pierre Herme.
I'm taking him to Zoryana on FM


  • September 11th, 2013, 11:07 pm

I noticed this cake at Alena alenakogotkova , took the recipe. Alyona, thank you very much for the detailed description.
I decided to bake it when my mother-in-law asked for a cake to meet with the students. The only thing is that my cake froze badly, I realized that when I began to cut a piece - a drip. I quickly put it in the freezer, but on the spot, it still blurred a little. I would plaid, if the cake needs to be transported, then put a little gelatin in the lemon cream and mousse for insurance. I liked the cake very much. I tried all the ingredients separately, I think it's a very good combination: bittersweet and sour. Erme has a very good balance of sweetness and sourness, it is very, very beneficial to be felt among the chocolate mousse and chocolate cakes.
By popular demand from students, I am spreading this cake today. I would be glad if those who tried it want to repeat it at home.
It took longer to write than to cook. Do not be intimidated by the long description, when you start doing, everything will be much faster.

I bring a recipe to Ana lifetastesgreat on FM "Ginger tea with lemon".


  • August 31st, 2013, 10:54 pm

Well, here comes my end first flash mob... I've never cooked so much with bookmarks. That is what it means to give an installation.
Finally, I would like to present something very special.
I had been making this cake for a long time, but I could not expose something (I was too lazy to write long recipe), put everything aside for a suitable occasion.
Thanks to my classmate Dasha Danileko for her desire to help me with rhubarb. I saw baked goods with him on the friend's tape. But I myself have never tried it and I really wanted to try it, which I mentioned. So Dasha wrote to me in VKontakte that she was ready to bring it to me, which she did.
I thought for a long time what to cook. I wanted so many things at once, but I had to decide what exactly. The choice fell on this cake.
It turned out very tasty. Well, you know, with the great Erme, it cannot be otherwise. Thin layers of sponge cake soaked in passionfruit juice, in the middle of rhubarb jelly, and on top of a mind-blowing white chocolate and lemon mousse (with lime, it's probably even tastier).
All together it is very, very tasty and tender. I took the recipe from Nina niksya Ninochka, thanks for the detailed description.
In the original, they put lime zest in the mousse, I put lemon zest. I also reduced the proportions by 2 times and made a cake in the shape of 20 cm, however, at the end it turned out that the mousse was not enough and I made another half of the portion, otherwise - the mousse barely covered the biscuit. In general, I will write the ingredients as I did for the d = 20 cm shape.
With the decor, I did not work out, since I was overheated White chocolate so I had to improvise.
To be honest, cooking is much faster than writing.

I also bring the recipe to Anya lifetastesgreat at FM "Ginger tea with lemon".


Tartar can be replaced with citric acid in a ratio of ½ tsp. tartar = 1 tsp citric acid or 1 tsp. 5% table vinegar

The name of the Black Forest cake immediately brings to mind Germany, whipped cream, chocolate and a cake decorated with cocktail cherries. This recipe was indeed invented in Germany in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and the cake literally became a national emblem. The first recipe was printed in 1934 and after the 50s, a huge number of interpretations of the famous cake appeared around the world. I have a recipe for the famous pastry chef Pierre Herme. When tasting a cake, try all the layers at the same time. The taste is harmonious and unobtrusive. And the cake is not sugary at all. To be honest, I was afraid that the taste of chocolate would be too strong, and I'm not a big fan of it, but no - it is surprisingly smoothed by delicate cream and custard with cherries.


For the marinade:
Water 90 g
Sugar (fine) 2/3 cup
Sour cherry can ice cream300 g

Chocolate biscuit:
Butter 60 g
Flour 25 g
Potato flour 25 g
Cocoa 30 g
Yolks 120 gr (6 pcs)
Sugar (fine) 100 g
Squirrels 125 gr (4 pcs)

Vanilla ½ pod
Milk 125 g
Small sugar 30 g
Corn starch 5 g
Flour 5 g
Yolk 35 g
Butter 10 g

Cherry syrup:
Water 30 g
Small sugar 35 g
Kirsch (Kirschwasser) 30 g

Gelatin 5 g
Whipping cream 33% 240 g
Custard 130 g

Chocolate cream:
Dark chocolate (cocoa content 66%)80 g
Cream 170 g

Whipping cream 33% 350 g
Small sugar 20 g
Cocktail cherry
100 g


Measure conversion table

The day before making the cake, pickle the cherries:



Drain the cherry syrup



Light vanilla custard

- Place a thin layer of cream (half of the cream) on the biscuit in the cake ring

Chocolate cream:



- Go over the sides with a pastry comb-spatula to add texture. No spatula - you can make grooves with a teaspoon or something else that is in the kitchen

Bon Appetit!

print version


For the marinade:
Water 90 g
Sugar (fine) 2/3 cup
Sour cherry can ice cream300 g

Chocolate biscuit:
Butter 60 g
Flour 25 g
Potato flour 25 g
Cocoa 30 g
Yolks 120 gr (6 pcs)
Sugar (fine) 100 g
Squirrels 125 gr (4 pcs)

Vanilla ½ pod
Milk 125 g
Small sugar 30 g
Corn starch 5 g
Flour 5 g
Yolk 35 g
Butter 10 g

Cherry syrup:
Water 30 g
Small sugar 35 g
Kirsch (Kirschwasser) 30 g

Gelatin 5 g
Whipping cream 33% 240 g
Custard 130 g

Chocolate cream:
Dark chocolate (cocoa content 66%)80 g
Cream 170 g

Whipping cream 33% 350 g
Small sugar 20 g
Cocktail cherry
Dark chocolate (60-70% cocoa) 100 g


The day before making the cake, pickle the cherries:
- Bring the baking soda and sugar to a boil
- Remove from heat and add cherries
- Set aside to marinate until the next day

- Heat oven to 220 ° C (425 ° F)
- Melt butter and set aside to cool
- Sift flour, potato flour and cocoa into a bowl. Set aside
- Beat the yolks with ¾ sugar on high speed for 5 minutes
- In a separate clean and dry bowl, beat the whites with the remaining sugar until stiff peaks
- Stir the whipped yolks and butter into the whites with gentle, rolling movements
- Stir dry ingredients into proteins with gentle movements
- Bake the cakes. The author advises to simply pour the dough onto a baking sheet large enough to cut three circles with a diameter of 20 cm.You can divide the dough into 3 parts and bake 3 biscuits
- Bake until tender. About 10 minutes

- Butter for custard should be at room temperature
- Prepare a bowl of cold water and ice
- Split the vanilla pod and remove the seeds
- Pour milk into a saucepan, add vanilla seeds, vanilla pod and sugar and bring to a boil
- In a bowl, combine the starch, flour and yolks
- Add ⅓ hot milk to the yolks, stirring constantly
- Pour the yolks mixed with milk into a saucepan with milk
- Bring to thicken, stirring
- Place in a metal bowl and place in a bowl of cold water and ice. Remove the vanilla pod from the cream and discard
- When the cream has cooled to 60 ° C (140 ° F), stir in the cut butter and stir until smooth
- If there is a fear that lumps have appeared, then rub through a sieve
- Cover with cling film in a joint and refrigerate until further use

Drain the cherry syrup

- Bring sugar to a boil with water
- Remove from heat and add kirsch

- Cut the biscuit into 3 cakes with a diameter of 20 cm
- Put one cake in a ring with a diameter of 20 cm and grease it with syrup with kirsch.

Light vanilla custard
- Soak gelatin in cold water for 15 minutes
- Whisk the cream until soft peaks
- Squeeze out the gelatin, melt it and stir into the cooled custard
- Stir the cream into the custard
- Transfer to a pastry bag

- Place a thin layer of cream on the biscuit in the cake ring
- Put the pickled cherries out and put in a thin layer of cream again
- Put the second biscuit and soak it with syrup too

Chocolate cream:
- Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it
- Mix 2 tablespoons of cream with melted chocolate
- Whisk the remaining cream until peaks and stir in the chocolate into the cream

- Share chocolate cream on a biscuit
- Put the third cake on top and soak it with syrup too
- Put the cake in the freezer for 2 hours

- Whip the cream with sugar until stiff peaks
- Take the cake out of the freezer and take it out of the mold. If you have not used acetate foil, you can blow a hair dryer on the mold, then it will be easier to get the cake out.
- Put the cream on top of the cake and brush the sides with it
- Pass a pastry spatula-comb along the sides to add texture
- Put the rest of the cream in a pastry bag with an asterisk attachment
- Make flowers around the edge of the top of the cake
- Put one dried cocktail cherry in each flower
- Heat the chocolate slightly and trim it with sawdust (use a vegetable cleaner)
- Place the chocolate in the center of the cake

Keeping my promise, I publish chocolate confectionery cream according to Pierre Herme's recipe, which I use for chocolate eclairs. In addition to eclairs, this cream can be used to fill any pastries, cake, tartlets. It has a delicate, velvety texture and rich chocolate flavor.
Everything is very simple and pretty fast. The better your ingredients are, the tastier the cream will be, especially chocolate. If it is not possible to purchase confectionery chocolate, then use the best you can find.


After all, I'll start my opus on nutrition for a nursing mother. Many noted that they were interested, and there were more of them (almost 85%) than those who were not interested. So forgive the uninterested readers of my magazine, if you don't need to, just scroll through. And the beginning will be common. My articles will be ...

  • December 3rd, 2015, 12:18 pm

Did you know that eclairs excite the minds of enthusiastic amateurs and professionals as much as macarons? And according to the ratings of sales in confectionery eclairs occupy the first place, which means that buyers-tasters are especially not indifferent to them J.

I publish today for you recipe for eclairs by Pierre Herme, but with nuances in temperature conditions.
They say that a hearth oven is ideal for baking eclairs. Honestly, I myself was not happy to cook in it, but the temperature option that I propose creates just the effect of a hearth oven.
There will not be any revolutionary discoveries or particularly complex technologies, and the recipe is quite simple, so I think it will be useful to you, my readers J

With love in our hearts, let's start cooking ...


  • October 29th, 2014, 11:35 am

In the beloved community there is Round 138. Series "International," round "Tarts and open pies"
Well, I will not be able to pass by such a tour. Of course, I love all sorts of open, and it was very difficult for me to choose what to cook for the tour, especially since I have already published so many delicious things J))))
Today I decided to stop at a classic tarte called Flaine parisienne or Parisian flan, aka confectionery flan, that is, a pastry cream baked in a dough base. Its history goes back to the Middle Ages. But in fact, even the Romans prepared a similar delicacy. And, despite its too simple and homely look, flan is very popular both among the French and among tourists. Usually it is made on a shortbread basis, and it can be both chopped dough and sweet shortbread dough, but you can also find an option with a puff pastry base. In general, as each housewife considers it necessary, she prepares it.
As a basis, I took Pierre Herme's recipe from the book "", but this time I did a diet version, so I will share with you both the version from the book and my version. The main difference is that for the base I took not shortbread dough, but bran dough, I used skim milk for the filling, and instead of sugar I used stevia. But I repeat that I give the ingredients as in the book, too, so that you can choose the more preferable option for yourself.

  • October 17th, 2014, 03:11 pm

Something I haven't spoiled you with cakes for a long time :) But since it's Friday, and on the weekend you definitely want to try something tasty, today I am sharing a cake recipe from the legendary Erme. True, I prepared it based on some changes in the process. I will give the recipe as in the book, but I will also write about the changes in the recipe. I changed the biscuit and the assembly method. I changed the biscuit, because my family is very fond of “soft” biscuits, but the dacquoise is still quite dense. I changed the assembly for no particular reason, it's just more convenient for me.

The cake is exotic, or rather, one of its layers is very interesting. It is composed of lychee and mango, and it sets the basic tone for the whole cake.
Why did I decide on this cake? Because I got a jar of wonderful, aromatic, with an unforgettable taste of mango puree. Well, honestly, very tasty! Before that, I came across a very mediocre quality puree and I had no desire to use it in desserts. But this puree is magically narcotic. Immediately awakens the desire to create something unusualJ
I made a cake for the birthday of my beloved dad, all the tasters made the same conclusion - very tasty!


  • September 6th, 2014, 05:02 pm

For a long time I have not published recipes, but all because my life has become mega-active. Orders are evenly distributed and it is they who now take up the time that I could devote to my blog.
But without you, my friends and readers are terribly sad for me, because you have become a big and important part of my life for me.
I come to you not empty-handed, but with tartlets from Pierre Hermé himself. Once I got acquainted with his work thanks to Nina Tarasova and now I still have a special fondness for his recipes.
It seems to me that I have already met similar tartlets in LJ a year or two ago, but I remember that there was not such an assembly as here. The book contains both tarts and tartlets. This time I wanted to make exactly the portioned tartlets.

About taste
Delicate shortbread dough cooked in whipped butter. Sponge cake soaked in juice from figs, which also performs a technical function, preventing the base from getting wet.
Fried figs with raspberries are a delicious, full-bodied and fresh combination. But I want to draw your attention to the fact that figs should be ripe and sweet. If you take unripe fruits (and these can often be found on sale), then the taste will not be revealed.
The composition ends with the most delicate cinnamon shiboust, which simply melts in the mouth leaving a spicy trail.


  • July 11th, 2014, 11:09 pm

Today is Chocolate Day!
Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to do the same wonderful FM as last year, but I think you still managed to pay tribute to this wonderful product.
Many people already know the cake Chuao from Pierre Herme. I met different variations on the net, I myself chose a recipe from his book "PH 10".
Of course, I don't have chocolate available Chuao but there is a lovely chocolate from Casa Luker ... And I think that the taste of the cake did not lose with such a substitution J
Blackcurrant and blackcurrant liqueur give a very bright taste. The union of dark chocolate and black currant was created by a genius. The sourness and insane aroma of currants make the chocolate taste rich and multifaceted. This is rather not a summer dessert, as it is very rich, but in the season of this beautiful berry it is simply a sin not to cook it.
Although, to be honest, frozen berries will do here if you have winter in your yard. J


Let everything be in chocolate;)

  • June 29th, 2014, 09:31 pm

And I want to participate in Tanya FM "Dish from your favorite cookbook".
Who would doubt that my favorite book will be about baking J So, I really like my book “LAROUSSE. Desserts. PIERRE HERME ". True, I have it in French, and I have to translate all the time without knowing the language, because I studied English and German ... But will lovers be stopped by obstacles, and I'm in love with baking J
The book contains basic techniques for making creams, biscuits and other types of dough, ice cream, all kinds of mousses, as well as recipes for ready-made desserts. Basically, there are classic French desserts, but there are also other world masterpieces.


"Macaron" (fr. Macaron) are considered aristocrats; These brightly colored mini-meringues, carefully combined with fillings that melt in your mouth, have become the holy grail for all who are fascinated by the world of sweets. Not to be confused with macaroon - coke flour cakes!

Articles, blogs, books, videos are dedicated to them. Ladies dream of receiving a box of scarlet "Macaroni" along with a bouquet of roses from their beloved, and the beloved are wondering what is so special about these crumbs. We dream of cooking them the way they do in Paris. And only according to recipes from the masters.

Pierre Herme's Macarons are more than just sweet cakes. He combines incongruous, constantly seeking and experimenting. You will not find a cake with one taste in it - it will definitely combine two or even three. For example, cloves, vanilla and rose, or olive oil, tangerine and cucumber water! Sometimes Erme is too bold, as in “Macaron” with the taste of ketchup or beluga caviar.

And most importantly, the master does not jealously hide his findings, but shares them with the readers. Pierre Herme has collected all the secrets of almond cakes in two books. Both editions can be found in French and English.

  • Macarons (2011)Macaroni
  • PierreHerméMacarons:TheUltimateRecipesfromtheMastertissier (2015)Macaroni: Pierre Herme: all recipes from the bakery master.

Macarons (2011)

As one of the readers assures us: “All your hopes and highest expectations regarding this book will come true. This book is a Macaron Bible filled with imagination, creativity and wonder. "

V « Macarons " for the first time all recipes from Pierre Herme were collected. By the way, the French edition has become one of the most popular cookbooks of 2011. And it will be difficult for many other books about "Macaron" to compete with her.

  • 200 pages of recipes and food photography
  • 57 very detailed recipes
But the real value of the book lies in the very beginning, where Pierre Herme reveals the secrets of making "Pasta" in 32 illustrated step-by-step instructions. In his published recipes, he uses the technique Italian meringue(we wrote about it), which is cooked in a convection oven. The result is a very thin, delicate crunchy crust and a very soft (not stringy) center.

You will find classic flavors here: dark chocolate, praline, coffee, pistachio. But also those that Pierre Herme is famous for - combinations of apricot and pistachios (Arabesque), papaya, orange and cream cheese (Satine), tangerine and pink pepper, black truffles, balsamic vinegar and, of course, bright green Macaron with fresh mint. And although Pierre Herme uses some special ingredients (dyes, chocolate brands, etc.), it will not be difficult to replace them with something from the nearest store.

The recipes are divided into five categories: Classics, fetish, signature, made-to-order and exceptions.

Nice bonus there will be an interview with the author, in which he talks about the important principles of trade, if you suddenly decide to create your own pastry shop.

Pierre Hermé Macaron: The Ultimate Recipes from the Master Pâtissier (2015)

In the new book, released in October 2015, you will find over 60 recipes with incredible photos. Erme did not stop there and suggested a new guide for making "Macaroni". Here you will find all the variety of flavors: traditional, savory and out of this world.

At the beginning of the book, you will find the stories of the cake itself and how Pierre Hermé studied the craft of making "Macarons" from the age of 14 with the pastry chef Gaston Le Nôtre in Paris until the creation of the first pastry shop in the mid-2000s.

As in the previous book, there is an illustrated master class on the basics of making "Macaroni".

Tastes are categorized as My new classics, My fetish flavor combinations, My style is taste, The veloutes collection), "Gardens" (The jardins).

There will be more Erme than classics: cucumber and orange, wasabi and strawberries, peanuts and asparagus - everything that hundreds of sweet tooths want to try in Paris, London and Tokyo. You will find many new recipes from the latest collections of the pastry chef, not previously published.