Jam from white filling with orange. Pear and apple jam with orange “Fruit mix. Five-minute jam from Antonovka in a slow cooker

Greetings friends. Summer will be over very soon. Time flies so quickly and imperceptibly that it even becomes a little sad. Although each season is good in its own way. But the months of August and September usually bring us a rich harvest of aromatic apples.

First of all, you need to eat these fruits fresh, because they are very useful. And of course, you can't eat all the supplies, so you need to make different preparations for the winter. For example, you can cook or healthy jam. These sweets are very good and are great for tea drinking or for filling, cakes.

And since we have already considered the methods of making jam, today I will dwell on the preparation of jam from apples. Usually, the cooking technology in recipes does not differ much. The only thing you can do is add additional ingredients to the composition. Although I prefer the classics of the genre more and add only the fruits and sugar themselves.

By the way, do not forget that you can make very tasty and lush fruits from these fruits. And you can also make awesome homemade marmalade from ripe fruits. I recently came across a selection of recipes describing this dessert. If you are interested, you can also check it out on this site https://firstcook.ru/marmelad-iz-yablok.html.

Homemade apple jam according to a simple recipe

As I wrote above, usually they try not to put anything superfluous in the composition of the treat, only sugar and apples. Therefore, initially I suggest you make a classic jam. Please note that color and flavor may vary depending on the type of fruit.

You can choose absolutely any variety of apples.


For 1 liter jar:

  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 500 grams.

Depending on the sweetness of the fruit and your own taste, you can increase or decrease the amount of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, you need to prepare the fruits. Wash them thoroughly and then cut them into 4 pieces. Remove all seeds, stem and core. If the apples have irregularities, bad spots, cut them off too. Cut the peel as desired, I usually leave it, because this way the treat turns out to be much healthier.

  • Using a steamer: load all the slices into the compartments and put them on steaming for 20 minutes;
  • Using a multicooker: just turn on the "stew" mode and cook the fruits until soft;
  • Using a saucepan: Pour 2 tbsp. spoons of water, place the wedges, cover. Next, turn on low heat and simmer until soft, remembering to stir the mass so that nothing burns.

3. Now the softened fruit needs to be mashed. To do this, grind them with a blender, crush or pass through a sieve.

If you are using a sieve, then be sure to remove the skins.

4. Transfer the resulting puree to a cooking container and put on low heat. Add sugar, stir. Cook for an hour, while stirring occasionally.

The jam will splash heavily during cooking, so be careful not to burn yourself.

5. After an hour, the mass will still be liquid, but do not be alarmed. It is during the cooling process that the delicacy will thicken. And if you keep it later in the refrigerator, it will be even thicker.

6. The hot food should be transferred to sterile jars and screwed with lids. Next, wrap the jars with a towel and leave at room temperature until they cool completely. Then store it in the closet.

How to cook a tasty and thick apple jam for the winter

But next recipe I propose to diversify a little and add ground cinnamon for aroma. Well, the cooking technology is slightly different from the previous version. Incidentally, I like it more. I love when treats are made in their own juice.


  • Apples - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Ground cinnamon - 1/2 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse fruit well and pat dry. Peel and remove seeds. Cut into wedges.

2. Now pour sugar over the slices.

3. Stir the contents with a wooden spoon so that the sugar is evenly distributed over the pieces.

4. In this state, leave the apples for 2 hours so that they give juice.

5. After the time has elapsed, place the container on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 7-10 minutes. Then remove from heat and cool. Grind the fruit with a blender.

6. You should have mashed potatoes. Pour cinnamon into it and mix everything well.

7. Put the container back on the stove, turn on a low heat and bring the consistency to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes. Then pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up under the metal lids.

Cool the workpieces and store in a cool place. It turns out to be a very aromatic treat!

The classic recipe for apple jam white filling

Well, this cooking method is good because overripe fruits are suitable for it. Plus the use of the variety White filling allows you to make preparations very early, for example, in Tula, these fruits are already in full swing. So I have already put a couple of jars in the pantry.


  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Wash and dry the fruit. Peel the fruit, remove the core and seeds.

2. Now finely chop the apples or grate them on a coarse grater.

3. Sprinkle the apples with sugar, cover and leave for 30 minutes.

4. After 30 minutes, juice will appear. Stir the workpiece and put on low heat.

Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove the pan from the heat and wait until it cools completely. When the brew has cooled, put it back on the fire and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

Repeat the above procedure 3-4 times to soften the fruit pieces and soften them. For a uniform consistency, you can grind the apples with a blender.

5. The finished treat should have a caramel shade and a uniform consistency. The jam must be poured hot into sterile jars and closed with lids. Then wrap the jars with a blanket and leave overnight to cool.

Store the workpieces in a cool and dark place in the morning.

The easy way to cook in a multicooker

You can also cook an apple treat in a slow cooker. There are no difficulties here, the only thing we will add is a little water.

You will need: apples - 1 kg; sugar - 500 gr.; water - 200 ml.

Apple jam with orange for the winter

And now I propose to dilute our yummy with citrus notes. Plus, you'll get an amber treat. It also contains spices. You can choose not to add them.

And the recipe is a little more complicated than in the previous versions, but it is worth trying it.


  • Apples - 2 kg;
  • Brown sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • White sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Water - 3 tbsp.;
  • Vanilla - 1 tsp;
  • Cinnamon - 2 tsp;
  • Nutmeg - 0.5 tsp;
  • Orange - 2 pieces.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fruit and cut it into quarters. Remove core.

2. Take a large saucepan and pour water into it, bite. Place the container on moderate heat. Next, bring the liquid to a boil and then add the apples.

3. Cover the pot with a lid, reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes. In this case, the fruits must be mixed frequently.

4. After cooking, cool the billet, and then rub through a sieve. Discard the skin.

5. Transfer the applesauce to a saucepan and add sugar. Next, add orange juice and zest, vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir the mixture well and put the container in the refrigerator overnight.

6. The first 4 hours the mass should be stirred every 30 minutes, and in the last 2 hours - every 15 minutes.

7. In the morning, pour the jam into sterile jars and cover with lids. Sterilize the blanks in the usual way, roll up. Cool and store in a storage area.

How to cook apple jam through a meat grinder

Usually jam we always associate with a homogeneous puree-like mass. In previous recipes, we achieved this consistency using a blender, sieve or crush. Now I propose to use a meat grinder, and why not? After all, before only it was used).


  • Peeled apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 300-400 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Wash, peel and cut the fruits into 4-5 pieces. Remove the bones.

2. Pass the slices through a meat grinder and cover with sugar. Mix everything well.

3. Simmer the resulting puree over low heat for 40 minutes. Remember to stir the contents. When the apples are soft and not crunchy, then the treat is ready.

Pour it into sterile jars and roll it up. Cool and put in the cellar.

Cook quickly transparent apple jam in slices

But some people like to make this dessert the other way around, without turning the fruit into puree, but cook it in slices. Well, let's analyze this technology too.


  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 800 gr.;
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • Water - 300 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the apples, cut the cores and cut them into wedges. Pour water into a bowl and dilute citric acid in it. Dip the fruit slices into the liquid, but for no more than 20 minutes so that the fruits do not darken.

3. This is how the workpiece should look like over time:

4. Now put the bowl on fire and bring the mixture to a boil. Then boil the treat for 10 minutes and remove from heat. Cool it down.

5. The cooled jam must be put back on the fire. Then bring it to a boil, boil for 15 minutes and cool. After cooling down, repeat this procedure again.

Apple jam at home for pies

As you can see, all the recipes are almost the same and uncomplicated. The main thing is to collect ripe fruits and not to digest the treat. That is, boil the dessert in several approaches, with breaks for cooling.

And to consolidate, I propose to watch a detailed video on cooking classic apple jam for the winter.

This concludes the story and say goodbye to you! Do not forget to share recipes on social networks, write comments. And be sure to prepare a couple of jars of thick and tasty apple jam in the winter.

Apples- a healthy fruit with a high content of vitamins, fiber, trace elements, mainly iron. There are many recipes for harvesting apples for the winter as well as everyday meals.

Let's consider in detail the recipes for preserving apples for the winter: apple juice, apple jam, apple jam, applesauce for a baby, apple adjika, candy.

Apples are a valuable product from which not only preparations for the winter are prepared, but also baked goods, first and second courses, are especially popular dietary meals from apples (baked apples).

Natural apple juice

Healthy apple juice for the winter - what could be more useful? Recipe for harvesting natural apple juice for the winter.

Ingredients: sweet apples - 5 kg.


You can add sugar to the finished apple juice at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of juice.

Prepare jars - wash and sterilize in any way.

Wash the apples, remove the damaged areas, peel and remove the cores.

Pass the apples through a juicer (preferably a screw). If there is no juicer, pass through a meat grinder, then strain the resulting gruel through gauze folded in several layers.

Heat apple juice to 90-95 degrees (small bubbles appear on the surface), do not boil. Skim off the formed foam.

Pour the juice into sterile jars and roll up the lids.

Natural apple juice is ready to drink in winter!

Apple jam with wedges

The recipe for making apple jam at home - the apples will remain slices, whole and transparent. A great option for jam in winter to bake a pie with apples.

Ingredients: apples - 1 kg., sugar - 1 kg.


For cooking, we will take summer apples, juicy of any varieties.

It is best to prepare apple jam in an aluminum or stainless steel container.

Wash the apples well, cut into slices and sprinkle with sugar in layers, in the saucepan in which they will be cooked. It is desirable that the container is wider, the jam is thicker due to the larger surface area, excess moisture evaporates faster.

Let the sugar apples stand to extract juice. Better to cut in the evening, and in the morning the apples will be in apple-sugar syrup.

We put the apples to cook, boil as it boils for 5 minutes, remove the foam that appears.

Leave the jam to cool completely.

Boil the second time for 5 minutes and let cool.

Boil for the third time for 5 minutes and put in sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

You get a thick apple jam with slices!

Apple adjika

Very tasty apple adjika for the winter, flies away with a bang!

Ingredients: apples - 1 kg., tomatoes - 2.5 kg., carrots - 1 kg., bell pepper- 1 kg., Hot pepper - 100 g., Garlic - 200 g., Sugar - 0.5-1 tbsp., Salt - 100 g., Vinegar 9% - 200 ml., Vegetable oil - 1 glass.


Wash the hot pepper, cut off the tails.

Peel and wash the carrots.

Peel the garlic.

Wash the apples, peel and core.

Wash sweet peppers, remove seeds. Remove the skin from the tomatoes by pouring boiling water over them for 1 minute.

We pass all prepared vegetables through a meat grinder.

We put adjika in a saucepan and cook for 30 minutes after boiling. Add salt, sugar, vinegar and oil. Cook for another 10 minutes.

Pour ready-made apple adjika into sterile jars and roll up the lids. We turn the cans upside down and wrap them with a blanket until they cool completely.

Apple adjika is ready for the winter!

Apple jam

Recipe for a delicious and thick apple jam, perfect for homemade baked goods in winter.

Ingredients: apples - 1 kg., sugar - 0.5 kg., water - 100 ml.


Wash the apples, peel, remove the center and cut into wedges. Peeled should be 1 kg.

We put apples in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. Cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer for 15-20 minutes over low heat (depending on the type of apple) to soften the apples. Remember to stir periodically.

Remove the pan with soft apples from the heat and use a blender to grind until mushy, add sugar and mix.

We put the pan on the fire and cook for 40-50 minutes over low heat. Cover with a lid, as the applesauce may splatter.

Be sure to stir the apple jam after 3-5 minutes.

We lay out the finished jam in sterilized jars and roll up the lids. With this amount of ingredients, you get 2 half-liter cans of delicious thick apple jam.

Applesauce for the baby for the winter

The recipe for baby applesauce for the winter, very much like little kids.

Ingredients: apples - 5 kg, sugar - 100 g, condensed milk - 1 can (380 g) ml.


Wash, peel the apples, cut into small wedges. Pour into a container in which we will cook and add a small amount of water (about 50 ml per 1 kg). Cook until the apples are boiled for 15-30 minutes.

Grind the resulting mass with a blender until smooth. Add sugar and bring to a boil over low heat.

As the applesauce boils, add the condensed milk, stir and bring to a boil.

Divide ready-made applesauce into sterile jars and seal with lids. Put in a cold place to cool down so that the condensed milk does not curdle.

Baby applesauce for the winter is ready - healthy and delicious!

Apple jam with orange and ginger

To make the taste varied, add orange juice, zest and fresh ginger to the usual apple jam. In winter, apple jam is used to bake bagels, buns, and make a layer of cakes.

Ingredients: apples - 1 kg, sugar - 700 g, orange - 1/2 pc., ginger root - 3 cm.


Wash apples, peel and core. Grate apples on a coarse grater. We put in a saucepan, add sugar. Leave the mass for an hour so that the apples let the juice out.

Remove the zest from the orange, squeeze out the juice. Grate the ginger on a fine grater.

Add orange juice, zest and grated ginger to apples in a saucepan.

Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Cook for 1-1.5 hours to thicken the jam.

Then, using a blender, grind in mashed potatoes, giving a homogeneous consistency.

We put on fire and bring to a boil.

Arrange hot apple jam with orange and ginger in sterile jars and roll up the lids. Leave to cool completely and store.

Apple jam keeps well in the conditions of an ordinary city apartment.

Apple pastila

Let's make apple marshmallow at home.

Ingredients: apples - 2.5 kg., water - 0.5 cups, sugar (optional) - 0.5 cups.


Wash the apples, peel, remove the middle. Cut into 4 pieces and place in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Add water to the pot.

Cover and cook for 30 minutes over low heat.

Use a blender to puree the apples until smooth. If you like sweets, add sugar.

Line a baking sheet with cling film and distribute the applesauce evenly.

We put the baking sheet in the oven on minimum heat and dry for 10 hours, intermittently. The oven door must be slightly open.

Remove the cling film and roll the marshmallow into a roll.

Cut the apple marshmallow into portions, sprinkle icing sugar and serve.

Apple candy stores well in plastic containers.

Bon Appetit!

Video - How to make marshmallow from apples

To make apple and orange jam you will need:

  • Apples - 2 kg
  • Oranges - 0.5 kg
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Water - 120 ml
  • Cinnamon optional

When you want something sweet, tasty and unusual, try making apple and orange jam. Apples themselves are fragrant, and even a juicy orange gives the dessert a spicy citrus note and an original light bitterness. But if you add another pinch of cinnamon to the apple and orange jam, then the whole house is filled with incredible aromas that are invariably associated with Christmas, holiday gifts, smiles, and good mood.

How to make apple and orange jam:

Pour boiling water over oranges, then rinse thoroughly using a brush. This is done to wash away the wax or paraffin that is used to treat citrus fruits. Chop the fruits not coarsely. Place them in a saucepan, cover with water and simmer for 10 minutes.

Add sugar to the oranges and simmer the wedges in the liquid for another 10 to 15 minutes. During this time, the orange peel will soften and the syrup will acquire a pleasant yellow color.

Send the apples, peeled and seeds, cut into slices to the oranges. It is imperative to cook the dessert over low heat until it acquires the desired thickness. This will take about an hour. Stir the jam constantly, do it especially carefully at the end of cooking, when the liquid evaporates and the mass thickens.

5 minutes before the end of cooking, put half a teaspoon of cinnamon in the apple jam with orange (more if desired).

Pour boiling jam into clean jars and roll up. Cover with a warm blanket or blanket to brew the jam.

Apple jam with orange, the recipe for which is provided above, will certainly delight you and your loved ones. Such a delicacy will be appropriate for tea, pancakes, pies. You can spread it on cookies, biscuits or toast.

Not only tasty, but also very beautiful, transparent apple jam is obtained in slices.

Apple jam with slices transparent with orange

To make such a jam, you need to know some tricks:

  • Mix a kilogram of sliced ​​apples with a chopped orange, cover with sugar (800 grams) and leave for several hours to let the fruit juice flow. It is not necessary to peel the fruit;
  • Take apples for jam in slices only of hard varieties. Overripe ones are completely unsuitable;
  • Cook transparent jam in several approaches for five to seven minutes, each time leaving it to cool completely;
  • In no case stir the jam so as not to damage the apple slices. Better to just dip them into the syrup with gentle movements.
  • Put the transparent thick jam hot in prepared glass containers and seal tightly.

If you are a little confused by the slight bitter aftertaste from orange peels, then you can make apple jam by adding not a whole orange to it, but only the zest.

Apple jam with orange zest

For an appetizing sweet dessert, remove the zest from one orange with a fine-perforated grater, or carefully trim the top layer of the rind with a sharp knife. Add it to the apple jam 10 minutes before the end of cooking. Amazing scent guaranteed!

If desired, you can add vanilla, star anise, mint to apple jam with oranges.

Apple jam will have a richer, more interesting taste and aroma if you add oranges and lemon to it.

Apple jam with oranges and lemon

For this jam, take 3 kilograms of apples, two oranges, a lemon and 2 kilograms of sugar.

  • Remove the zest from the citrus fruits, remove the white skin, cut the fruit into pieces.
  • Peel, chop and mix the apples with lemon and oranges. Cover with sugar and leave for 2 hours to separate the liquid.
  • Simmer the jam over low heat until thick, stirring occasionally.
  • Pour the finished jam into sterile jars and roll up.

The multicooker, beloved by many housewives, greatly simplifies the process of making apple and orange jam for the winter.

Apple jam with oranges in a slow cooker

  • Put chopped apples and oranges in a multicooker bowl, sprinkle with sugar. Leave it on for a few hours.
  • Cook the jam in the "Stew" mode for 30 -35 minutes. It is better not to close the lid of the multicooker, then the liquid will evaporate faster and the jam will turn out thick.
  • In some models of multvaroks in the "Stew" mode, the dish boils very weakly. In this case, you can cook the jam using the "Bake" mode. Do not forget to stir the mixture periodically with a wooden spatula so that it does not burn.

Delicious, aromatic jam will not only cheer you up, but also fill you with energy on cold, winter days.

A large number of all kinds of preparations for the winter are made from apples. Among other things, jam is widely popular, which is served with tea as an independent dessert. But more often they are used for fillings of pies and pies. Cooking technology has long since moved away from classic recipe- in the annals of culinary you can find many interesting variations on this theme.

To prepare a delicious jam for the winter, both parts of apples and mashed potatoes are used in recipes. You will need ripe fruit with a slight sourness. They are washed without fail, for some recipes they are peeled and damaged.

After cutting into halves or quarters, the testes are removed. Then blanch over steam (covered) until completely softened.

To make the jam more uniform, it is better to puree the apples by passing them through a meat grinder or blender.

In order for the pulp not to darken during the preparation process, the already processed fruit slices are stored in salted water, then washed.

The best recipes for jam at home

Someone cooks only apple jam, someone likes to combine fruits or add other ingredients. It is recommended that you try all of the recipes below to significantly diversify your winter feast.

In the classic version, the jam should be thick. Therefore, the raw material will have to be boiled down in several stages. Granulated sugar will help to thicken, which is taken 2-3 kg per 5 kg of apples. The peculiarity of jam cooking is the complete absence of water. The algorithm used by the hostesses is quite simple:

  • steamed apples are rubbed through a sieve and put in a basin;
  • boil down to half the volume;
  • add all the sugar and continue to cook, constantly stirring.

The readiness of the jam is determined by the "drop" method. Apply a small amount to a dry, cold plate and allow to cool. If the drop does not spread when tilted, then the jam has thickened. It can be removed from the fire, packed in cans and rolled up immediately.

Thick tasty apple jam "Yantarnoe": video

The recipe is so named because the jam on the stove will not stand for long, but the preparatory moments will take time. Apples are prepared as described above. Small slices and mashed potatoes (as you like) are suitable for jam. Taking 1 kg of sugar per 2 kg of fruit, they act as follows:

  • the ingredients are combined in a basin and placed in a cool place overnight so that the apples are allowed to juice;
  • having mixed well, put on fire and bring to a boil;
  • adding 1 tsp. cinnamon, boiled for 5 minutes and packed in jars.

You can replace the cinnamon with vanilla sugar and add lemon zest if desired. In spite of quick cooking sweet dish, you can do without subsequent sterilization.

When one dessert is complemented by another, it turns out to be a real "feast of tastes". Those who have not yet tried to cook jam with condensed milk can adopt this recipe:

  • having cut apples (5 kg) into small pieces, put them in a saucepan with a thick bottom;
  • add 1 glass of water (you cannot do without liquid in this recipe);
  • covered with a lid, stew for half an hour, stirring every 5 minutes;
  • after removing from the heat, apples are mashed in any usual way;
  • pour in ½ cup of sugar and add 400 g of condensed milk;
  • Mix well, cook for 5 minutes and pack immediately.

Jam outwardly resembles condensed milk, but has an unusual taste that will appeal to all family members.

Jam, cooked separately from each type of fruit, tastes good. If you combine plums and apples in one bowl, you get an unusual combination of relish and aroma. True, one more stage will be added in the preparatory phase:

  • ripe plums (5 kg) without wormholes are cut into halves and the seeds are thrown away;
  • putting it in a basin, add a glass of water and boil it in ½ volume;
  • sugar (5 kg) is introduced into plums in small portions and continue to boil with constant stirring;
  • apples (5 kg) were separately reduced in volume and mixed with sweetened plums.

When the drop of jam stops spreading over the saucer, you can pack it in jars.

Delicious and thick homemade apple and plum jam for the winter: video

This recipe is similar to the previous one. Fruits (1 kg each) are harvested separately. At the same time, apples are treated as in the above options, and the following technology is applied to pears:

  • the fruits are freed from seed nests and cut into slices (the skin can be left);
  • placed in a blanching net (colander) and placed in a water bath;
  • stand until the pears are completely softened;
  • then rub through a sieve, adding 0.5 l of water, over which the fruit was blanched;
  • put in a basin and mixed with applesauce;
  • boil down to half the volume;
  • adding 0.8 kg of sugar, keep on the stove until the desired density.

The jam is packed hot, as always. Chilled upside down and only then taken out into a cool room.

Apple and pear jam for the winter: video

Someone prefers to grind fruits for winter preparations in a blender or food processor, but most still act in the old fashioned way - they twist apples (and other components) in a meat grinder. Moreover, this tool can be used at different stages of the technical process.

Option 1

  • Pass 2 kg of apples without seeds and skins through a meat grinder;
  • mix with sugar (1.5 kg) and let it brew for 2 hours;
  • bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove;
  • after 12 hours add lemon twisted in a meat grinder to the mass;
  • boil again and leave for 12 hours;
  • in the third run, boil for 5-7 minutes and pack in cans.

Option 2

  • apples cut into slices (2 kg) are poured with a glass of water;
  • add 0.4-0.5 kg of sugar and mix well;
  • bring to a boil and cook for 7-10 minutes;
  • set aside so that the jam is completely cooled;
  • passed through a meat grinder and add another 1 kg of sugar;
  • boil for 15 minutes;
  • add cinnamon to taste and remove from heat after 5 minutes.

In the second recipe, the amount of sugar can be varied as desired. But you need to take into account that the lack of sweet sand will make the jam too sour and it will quickly disappear.

By adding citrus to the jam, you get not just a fragrant dessert - this is a great way to cheer yourself up. The dish acquires a beautiful color, and the beneficial substances that make up the orange make jam a cure for many diseases. Harvesting will take a small amount of time from the hostess, and it will bring a lot of pleasure:

  • apples (1 kg) and an orange (1 pc.) are cut into small slices, having previously removed the seeds;
  • fall asleep with sugar (0.6 kg) and leave for 4 hours;
  • add chopped almonds or walnuts(150 g);
  • cook over low heat for 1.5-2 hours, stirring constantly.

If the last stage is tiresome for the hostess, you can split the cooking into several runs for 20 minutes every 12 hours. It will take only 2 days, but there will be free time for other activities. And the jam will not burn, which is an important point in the preparation.

Jam from apples, oranges and lemons for the winter: video

The combination of various fruits in one can is a common thing, but not everyone has tried apples with vegetables. This recipe suggests combining apples with pumpkin. It is worth experimenting once and the dessert will once become the signature dish of the family. And the guests will puzzle themselves - what is the jam made of. The algorithm here is quite simple:

  • 800 g of peeled pumpkin are placed in a saucepan and stewed until softened;
  • then, while still warm, it is passed through a meat grinder or rubbed through a sieve;
  • sour apples without skin and seeds (1.5 kg) are steamed and also mashed;
  • the masses are combined and 0.5 kg of sugar is introduced;
  • after mixing until smooth, boil down by 1/3;
  • add another 0.5 kg of sugar and chopped orange peel (1/4 tsp);
  • simmer on the stove for some time, until the mass decreases to half the original volume.

Having packed in cans, the dessert is not rolled up, but first, the necks are covered with gauze folded in 2 layers. On the second day, waxed paper is moistened in vodka and the jars are closed with it, tied with woolen or linen twine. This jam is recommended to be used as a filling in pies, and also served with pancakes.

This household appliance already eliminates any flaws in cooking. After all, the program is watching the process. But the main points still fall on the hostess:

  • apples are peeled and seeds removed;
  • a glass of water is poured into a bowl and apple skins are put;
  • evaporate for 10 minutes, this is enough for the gelling pectin of the peel to remain in the liquid;
  • boiled peelings are removed, and apple slices are put in their place;
  • add sugar (0.8 kg) and turn on the "quenching" mode;
  • after 60 minutes, turn off and stir gently;
  • stand for another hour, but already in the "baking" mode with the lid not completely closed.

At the last stage, the jam is mixed a couple of times. If the density seems suitable before the indicated time, you can safely turn off the multicooker and pack it in cans.

Not all varieties of apples are suitable in this recipe - you only need to choose very sweet ones. To obtain the required density, 5 parts of cut fruits are taken for each part of the water (for example, for 2.5 kg of fruit, 0.5 liters of liquid is enough). The whole process takes a little time:

  • apples are poured with water and boiled for 15-20 minutes;
  • the whole mass is rubbed through a sieve;
  • boiled down to the desired density.

To keep the jam longer and not lose its taste, after packing, the jars are sterilized - 0.5 liters for 15 minutes. It is advisable to store the workpiece in a cool dark place.

The recipes above are variations to help you understand the basic principles of making apple jam. You can combine fruits with any ingredients from the dacha, in any proportion. Even a pure apple dessert for tea, made from assorted varieties with different colors, will turn out to be incredibly tasty and aromatic.

Apple preserves and jams are "classics" familiar to everyone from childhood, because it was these delicacies that our mother spoiled us with. But if you want to diversify the traditional version of winter seating, and make it even more delicious and unusual, then be sure to try making apple jam with oranges.

A “bouquet” of aromatic apples combined with a light piquant bitterness of juicy citrus will not leave indifferent any sweet tooth. And in order to make it easier for you to make this deliciousness, we have prepared an exhaustive step by step recipe with photos and videos.


Servings: - + 230

  • apples 2.5KG
  • oranges 400 g
  • lemon 150 g
  • granulated sugar 1.5KG
  • water 150 ml

Per serving

Calories: 52 kcal

Proteins: 0.1 g

Fats: 0 g

Carbohydrates: 12.9 g

1 hour. 40 minutes Video Recipe Print

    We sort the apples and, getting rid of the unripe and spoiled fruits, wash them under a running stream. Using a special knife, remove the core from the fruit and cut it into slices, convenient for twisting in a meat grinder.

    We also wash a couple of oranges and one lemon thoroughly under cool water using a brush (to remove the wax that sellers usually rub citrus with) and, after drying the fruit, carefully remove the zest from them on a fine grater, trying not to touch the white skin. After that, remove the seeds from the citrus and peel them, then cut the pulp into small pieces.

    Pass the apples, oranges and lemon through a meat grinder (using a fine attachment) into a deep container with a thick bottom, in which we will subsequently cook the jam. We pour citrus zest and one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar to the twisted fruits, mix the ingredients well and leave in this form for an hour so that the sugar crystals melt a little, and the fruits let the juice out.

    After the allotted time, pour 150 ml of clean filtered water into a saucepan with the future jam, mix everything diligently again and put the dishes on the stove. As soon as the mass boils, we reduce the flame to an average, and cook the jam for 30-45 minutes (the time will depend on the density of the product you want to get).

    We lay out the hot dessert in dry sterile jars and roll up with boiled metal lids. We remove to cool down with the necks down under something warm, it will take about a day. You need to store the treat with all the rest of the preservation in a cool place without sunlight.

    Advice: for making jam, choose apples of summer and autumn varieties - they are softer and, accordingly, easier to boil.

    A healthy delicacy prepared according to this recipe will not only be an excellent dessert for tea, but will also save you from colds. Therefore, do not forget to definitely stock up on the delicious apple jam with orange offered for the winter. in a simple way... Bon Appetit!